FDA cleared for autologous fat transfer

A new approach to restoring shape and appearance

Selective Harvesting

The goal when harvesting fat for grafting is to collect only the fat. No connective tissues, no blood vessels, no fat cell debris. Any method that cuts the fat will also collect all of these non-targeted tissues which can affect retention in the graft site. The rounded aperture edge of the HydraSolve cannula does not cut; the mechanism of action of fat removal is TC-SET Targeted Cell Separation and Extraction Technology utilizing a stream of warmed, low-pressurized saline. This process called TC-SET is a process of cell disaggregation, not emulsification; fat tissue cells are not broken, they remain intact and viable, and are separated into small cell clusters. Thus, the energized saline stream does not cut or shear fat tissue and therefore minimizes potential damage to adipocytes, blood vessels, and connective tissue; resulting in a lipoaspirate with minimal oil, blood, and connective debris.

Minimal Processing

Closed system for harvesting and processing

HydraSolve’s closed harvesting and processing provide efficient fat transfer procedures, eliminating the requirements of expensive and time-consuming processing systems. With its use of heat and pressure to separate and extract the fat, harvesting with HydraSolve is a very low-fatigue procedure. Once collected, simple gravity separation and decantation of the infranatant are all that are needed before transferring the fat to the syringe where it is ready for injection.
This minimized contamination risk and possible depreciation of fat cell viability from centrifuges or other separation methods.

HydraSolve produces high volumes of viable fat with minimal processing that can be used for breast reconstruction and lipofilling of the face, neck, hands, breast, and buttocks.

Highly Viable Fat

The results go well beyond ease of use: 

  • Fat that is over 97% viable Cell viability analysis of seven fresh tissue samples harvested from one live human subject and measured using Vision Cell Analyzer from Nexcelom Inc. Cell viability in four samples ranged from 94.4% to 99.2% an average of 96.6% compared to one sample harvested with UAL (Vaser) 72.7%, one sample harvested with SAL 82.7% and a sample harvested using Coleman syringe 85.5%.
  • Cell Clusters are 0.5mm to 2.0mm in diameter, optimal for vascularization of the graft and re-injection ease.